Find Your Way Back to Yourself
and Your Health

Holistic Treatments for a Healthier, Happier You.

Welcome to HealGarden

Start a transformative journey of personalized
alternative healing guided by a professional.

Does this sound familiar? You feel like:


Your energy is constantly drained and you’re searching for a natural, sustainable way to replenish your vitality and rekindle your zest for life.

cycle of stress and anxiety

You’re in a never-ending cycle of stress and anxiety and yearn for deeper peace and calmness.


There’s an imbalance in your life and you’re ready to explore alternative avenues to restore harmony to your body, mind and spirit.

You arrived at the right place! I’m here to support you and work with you to restore your well-being.

Unlike many modern treatment plans that only address the symptoms of illnesses, I’ll not just be putting on a band-aid on the problem. I believe in treating the whole person from the inside out, delving into the deep-seated issues that hold them back from optimal well-being and guiding them on a path of lasting transformation.

My treatment will, therefore, consider the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of your being. These three dimensions work in harmony to restore balance and vitality, and true healing can only be achieved if they’re in optimal condition.


Hi there! I’m Zsuzsa Simon, an experienced herbal medicine practitioner and holosomatic breathwork facilitator – and the founder of HealGarden.

And, yes, I know what you’re thinking … “Just another wellness figure peddling miracle cures!” Well, rest assured I’m far from it. My treatment approach is rooted in deep knowledge and personal experience with herbal medicine and conscious connected breathing. I’ve dedicated my life to studying, researching and practicing these naturopathic modalities, and I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power they hold.

But beyond that, I’m a real person with real experiences and a genuine desire to support others. I’ve been on my own healing journey, just like you, and I’ve faced my fair share of challenges along the way. And while I can’t claim to have all the answers, I know one profound truth; there’s no such thing as a magic potion or a one-size-fits-all approach to wellness. Every person is unique and so is their healing journey.

So, no, I’m not here to sell you a miracle cure or pre-packaged healing blueprint. I’m here to help you find your unique path to wellness. I want to walk with you as your partner; someone who listens and understands your specific journey. Together, we will craft a holistic roadmap that helps you tap into the incredible healing power that already lies within you; a natural, well-thought-out treatment plan that makes you whole – created just for you.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine

Plants contain a wealth of natural compounds that can promote healing and restore balance in our bodies. I carefully select and blend herbs to create personalized remedies that address your unique health needs.

My Service Offerings
at a Glance

Discover result-oriented herbal remedies and holosomatic breathwork that heal your body, mind and spirit

Holosomatic Breathwork

Holosomatic Breathwork

By consciously controlling your breath, you can activate your body’s natural healing mechanisms and cultivate a sense of inner calm. I’ll gently introduce you to techniques proven to unlock hidden reserves of energy, reduce stress, cultivate inner peace and enhance your overall well-being.


Why People Love HealGarden

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